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Best of Fest

Best of Fest
HOME is where you find it (Excerpt)
Produced by Director - Alcides Soares / Producer - Neal Baer

A sixteen year old AIDS orphan directs a documentary about finding a new family in Maputo, Mozambique.

Large (32 MB) - 5 Minutes
Biblioburro: The Donkey Library
Produced by Valentina Canavesio

Luis Soriano, a teacher in the small town of La Gloria, Colombia, travels on the back of his donkey, bringing with him books for children of the rural communities...

Large (40 MB) - 5 Minutes

2nd Place
Global Focus V - Equador
Produced by Will Parrinello - Producer /John Antonelli - Director

A few brave men fight to protect the beauty of the Equadorian Rainforest and the lives of the people who live there.

Large (30 MB) - 5 Minutes

2nd Place
Global Focus: The Rossport Five
Produced by Will Parrinello - Producer / John Antonelli - Director

A passionate group of people take on a corporate giant and win a crucial environmental battle.

Large (20 MB) - 5 Minutes

3rd Place
Soft Power Health
Produced by Polly Green

Dr. Jessie Stone works tirelessly for health care in impoverished areas.

Large (26 MB) - 5 Minutes

1st Place
The Philosopher Kings (excerpt)
Produced by Patrick Shen and Greg Bennick

Wisdom is found in the most unlikely places. This is a trailer from the feature-length film, "The Philosopher Kings."

VIEW (23.3 MB) - 3.5 Minutes

2nd Place
NOBELITY: Wangari Maathai (excerpt)
Produced by Turk Pipkin

An Excerpt from the Feature Doc "Nobelity" produced by Turk Pipkin.

Large (30 MB) - 7 Minutes

3rd Place
The Cove: Ric O'Barry (excerpt)
Produced by Louie Psihoyos

An extraordinary look at animal activist Ric O'Barry (from the feature documentary The Cove).

Large (15 MB) - 2 Minutes

1st Place
The Boy at the Signal
Produced by Pramod Pathak

A boy in need wins the heart of a woman passing by.

Large (30 MB) - 6 Minutes

2nd Place

Produced by Morgan Davidsen

Two boys hopes are realized by the kindness of a lady.

Large (40 MB) - 7 Minutes

3rd Place
Peace it Together: Checkpoint of Humanity
Produced by Tamir Asseoulin, Owen Quanstrom, Chloe Clarkson, Zain Masri

A tense standoff becomes an exercise in compassion.

Large (22.8 MB) - 4 Minutes

1st Place

Teaching to Live
Produced by Andre Guttfreund

A teacher hero trains children to be self-sufficient environmentalists.

Large (38 MB) - 10 Minutes

2nd Place
See, Listen, Speak: Ngarrindjeri's being heard
Produced by Carl Kuddell

This powerful documentary presents the real impact the water crisis is having on the Coorong and its people.

Large (34 MB) - 6 Minutes

3rd Place

Iqra - Read (A Prayer for the Girls of Afghanistan and Pakistan)
Produced by Fauzia Minallah

This film promotes the education of the girl child in Afghanistan and Pakistan through Mural Art.

VIEW (30 MB) - 4 Minutes

Honorable Mention
Produced by Adam Sie

A Holy Man in Senegal is honored by many.

Large (30 MB)

1st Place
Produced by Vlash Droboniku

A touching animation following the wife of a firefighter during 911.

Large (50 MB) - 8 Minutes

2nd Place
Peace it Together: Freedom
Produced by Illy Auerbach, Mohammed Qassas, Jeremy Izso

A meditation on the meaning of freedom.

Large (21.2 MB) - 2.5 Minutes

3rd Place

Produced by Sylvia Binsfeld

A welcome relief to a busy fast-paced life - a dream of transformation and unrestricted imagination.

Large (30 MB) - 6 Minutes

3rd Place
Peace it Together: Listen to This
Produced by Itay Sasson, Jennifer Sarkar, Gilli Tohar, and Mirna Yacoub Abu Abara

Two musicians literally break down barriers.

Large (20.2 MB) - 2.5 Minutes
Elementary School

1st Place
Ruth Foster
Produced by Miranda Andersen

4th Grader Miranda is inspired by her environmental hero Ruth Foster.

Large (30 MB) - 5 Minutes

2nd Place
Imagine Peace
Produced by Mali Bickley & The Dreamteam

A collection of art and prose from children of the world who imagine peace.

Large (30 MB) - 4 Minutes

3rd Place
Produced by Mr. Gozonsky's 4th Grade Class

An extremely creative and fun look at the old myth.

Large (17 MB) - 3 Minutes

3rd Place

Commit to our Earth
Produced by The Dream Team

Fifth graders commit to helping the environment.

Large (23.3 MB) - 3 Minutes

Honorable Mention
Produced by Sarah Mueckel

The story of Fin Donnelly's journey down the Fraser River.

Large (30 MB) - 5 Minutes
Middle School

1st Place

Produced by Nathan Kress

A middle school-er wanted to know "What would you say to the world?"

Large (30 MB) - 5 Minutes

2nd Place
Forgotten - Fred's Van
Produced by Jessica, Matilda, Mickayla, and Sarah of Hackham East Primary School

Fred's Van keeps hope alive for a transient community.

Large (20 MB) - 3 Minutes

3rd Place
Saviour of the Seas
Produced by Suriah Fishburn Bungey, Ashleigh Tardivo, Jessica Judd-Ireland

Aaron Machado rescues sea animals in danger.

Large (24.5 MB) - 4 Minutes

Honorable Mention
Laguna Beach Animal Shelter
Produced by Keynon Ford and Haley Castuera

Caring for animals in need is truly heroic.

Large (30 MB) - 3 Minutes
High School

1st Place
Have a Home Run Day
Produced by John Barrett & Austin Dodge

Skipper is a true hometown hero who inspires everyone he meets with his sense of joy.

Large (23.2 MB) - 3:22 Minutes

2nd Place
The Man Behind the Curtains
Produced by Jason Li, Jordan Glenn, & Sterling Phillips

This film highlights the great work of Laguna's amazing Drama teacher, Mark Dressler a hero to many.

Large (35.5 MB) - 5:34 Minutes

2nd Place
A Voice in Copenhagen
Produced by SLATER Jewell-Kemker

Slater passionately protests the absence of a voice for youth representation at the Copenhagen Climate Summit.

Large (13 MB) - 2 Minutes

3rd Place

Produced by Nicholas LaBarbera

Max is remembered for his joyful spirit, love of fun, and awesome positive attitude in life.

Large (21.8 MB) - 3:02 Minutes

Honorable Mention
The Experience of War
Produced by Dylan Griffith and Gerardo Rodriguez

An exploration of the impact of war.

Large (26 MB) - 5 Minutes

Honorable Mention

Saviors of the Sea
Produced by Jack Pillsbury

Kirestin Sedlick tells LBHS students all about the Pacific Marine Mammal Center.

Large (26.4MB) - 3:38 Minutes


1st Place
Mother Porridge
Produced by Fary Sakho

MAIMOUNA FALL is known as Mother Porridge in her village in Senegal.

Large (38 MB) - 6 Minutes

2nd Place
Wet Feet
Produced by Cheikh Seck

A cry for help in Senegal!

Large (30 MB) - 9 Minutes

3rd Place
Ground Pressure
Produced by Andrew Loos and Michael Shaw

A champion sumo wrestler challenges himself to run the LA marathon.

Large (43.7 MB) - 10 Minutes

Imagine Peace
Produced by Mali Bickley & The Dreamteam

A collection of art and prose from children of the world who imagine peace.

Large (30 MB) - 4 Minutes

Peace Awards

Peace it Together: Freedom
Illy Auerbach, Mohammed Qassas, Jeremy Izso

A meditation on the meaning of freedom.

Large (30 MB) - 4 Minutes

Everest: A Climb for Peace (excerpt)
Lance Trumbull

This film chronicles the spectacular journey of 9 'peace climbers' from different faiths and cultures as they climb to the summit of the tallest mountain in the world.

Large (30 MB) - 4 Minutes

HOME is where you find it (Excerpt)
Produced by Director - Alcides Soares / Producer - Neal Baer

A sixteen year old AIDS orphan directs a documentary about finding a new family in Maputo, Mozambique.


Watch the Intro to the Dan Eldon Activist Award

Activist Awards

Sarah Elliot
Produced by Meyers & Mendoza

Laguna Beach native Sarah Elliot journeys to Africa working as a photojournalist in remote regions.

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Jesse Stone
Produced by Polly Green

Dr. Jessie Stone works tirelessly for health care in impoverished areas.

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Rossport 5
Will Parrinello - Producer / John Antonelli - Director

A passionate group of people take on a corporate giant and win a crucial environmental battle.

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Pablo and Luis
Will Parrinello - Producer / John Antonelli - Director

A few brave men fight to protect the beauty of the Equadorian Rainforest and the lives of the people who live there.

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Ric O'Barry
Produced by Louis Psihoyos

An extraordinary look at animal activist Ric O'Barry (from the feature documentary The Cove).

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Fauzia Minallah
Produced by Fauzia Minallah

This film promotes the education of the girl child in Afghanistan and Pakistan through Mural Art.

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Special Hero Awards

Dave Courchene, Jr.
Produced by Adriana Capozzi

Dave Courchene, Jr. is a hero who helps preserve traditions.

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Deborah Ann Light
Produced by Alec Hirschfeld

Deborah Ann Light donated her land to a wonderful cause.

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Mark Dressler
Produced by Jason Li, Jordan Glenn, & Sterling Phillips

Mark Dressler inspires his students every day.

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Fin Donnelly
Produced by Sarah Mueckel

Deborah Ann Light donated her land to a wonderful cause.

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The Volunteers of Fred's Van
Produced by Jessica, Matilda, Mickayla, and Sarah of Hackham East Primary School

The volunteers of Fred's Van work to help the less fortunate.

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The Kageno Organization
Produced by Justin Noto

The Kageno Organization works to help underprivileged communities.

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Ralina Miller
Produced by Timothy B. McCormack and Rohit Agarwal

Ralina Miller's courage inspires others.

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Tom Trevorrow
Produced by Carl Kudell

Tom Trevorrow is a true community leader.

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Cheikh Darou Seck - Global Educator
Produced by MY HERO

Cheikh Darou Seck is the 2009 winner of the MY HERO Global Educator Award.

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Mali Bickley - Teacher Hero
Produced by MY HERO

Mali Bickley is a Teacher Hero who was honored at the 2009 MY HERO Film Festival.

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Ed Gragert - Special Hero Award
Produced by MY HERO

Ed Gragert was honored at the 2009 MY HERO Film Festival with a Special Hero Award.

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