Use MY HERO FREE Online Resources to Enrich Learning

Ways to use MY HERO multimedia resources for distance learning. 

Sign the MY HERO Guestbook.

Share people and organizations who are making a difference, no matter how large or how small.

Tell the world about your hero.

MY HERO Guestbook (
Credit: MY HERO

Stories with Text and Audio for ESL: Students can listen as they read along.

Listen and Read Along Stories for ESL (
Credit: MY HERO

Use MY HERO's online calendar every day of the year.

Students can learn about diverse heroes from stories, art and films curated from our growing media library. 

Multimedia thematic lesson resources have been curated from our calendar to use throughout the year. 

365 Days of Heroes Calendar (
Credit: MY HERO

Forum: Dive into thoughts about heroism and share your own.

Discuss Concept of Heroism in the MY HERO Forum (
Credit: MY HERO

Nurture creativity and self expression by encouraging students to participate in MY HERO's numerous contests. Students can work offline at home on projects creating poems, art, essays, songs and short films about a hero to share with our global community. 

Click on the banners for details and deadlines. 

MY HERO Contests (
Credit: MY HERO

     Direct Links to MY HERO's Multimedia Libraries

 Lesson Ideas and Resources

Ways to Strengthen Students Writing Skills Using MY HERO Resources

Discuss and explore heroic qualities and character traits.

Use these ideas to write a story, poem, song or describe a photo or work of art. 


Character Traits (
Credit: MY HERO

Students choose stories to read from the MY HERO Story Collection

* After reading a story about a hero, students answer "So What?"

"Why does this hero mean something to me?” “How has the hero shaped my life in some way, or showed me some fundamental truth?” Students are encouraged to make a personal connection and write a paragraph.


* Students compare and contrast two stories from the MY HERO Story Collection.

What are similar characteristics about hero qualities? How can heroic actions be different? Use a Venn Diagram and write a paragraph about similarities and differences.


* After reading a story, students make a connection to their life.

How did the story make you feel? What would happen if more people acted this way? How does the story inspire you?


After reading a MY HERO story, use a Graphic Organizer to represent heroic characteristics of that person and then write a story.

Graphic Organizer
Credit: MY HERO
Graphic Organizer
Credit: MY HERO

MY HERO Stories Directory Link (
Credit: MY HERO

How to Write an Essay and Submit to MY HERO Video Tutorials

Teachers assign one of the videos to their students to watch independently as they are guided through the writing process and submit their essay to the Coronavirus Community Hero Essay Contest. 

Coronavirus Essay Contest
Credit: MY HERO

Use the MY HERO Short Film Library to explore a wide range of subjects.

Students can watch films about the Environment and Ocean Conservation organized by grade level. 

Environmental Films Organized by Grade Level
Credit: MY HERO



Watch the Film Festival Winning Film Words Have Power.

Then ask students to write a paragraph about other young people who have used their voice to make a difference. Another option: after watching the film, students can answer questions from Young Voices for the Planet Curriculum organized by grade level. 

Words Have Power

Produced by:Lynne Cherry

10-year-old Jaysa rallies the community about how the power plant causes asthma and suffering. When they succeed in shutting down the plant, Jaysa concludes that “words have power.”

Link: Use the MY HERO Art Gallery with Students
Credit: MY HERO

Studying MY HERO Portraits in the Classroom to Inspire New Student Art


This selection of artists' Hero portraits create an art lesson for middle and high schools students.


Link to Study Portraits and Create New Art
Credit: MY HERO

How to use MY HERO's Create Program to Publish Stories, Art, Film and Audio for Students

Tutorial for students: Publish written stories, film, original artwork and audio in MY HERO's multimedia library.

Create Program
Credit: MY HERO

How to Organize Your Students' or Child's Published Work

Click Here for Information About Organizing Student Work

Additional Links to MY HERO Resources

Explore MY HERO Teachers Room: Resources for Distance Learning and Classrooms organized by subject and grade level. 

MY HERO Teachers Room (
Credit: MY HERO

Educator AccountBy registering as a teacher on MY HERO, you will be given special tools to organize your students’ work, as well as thematic content, on MY HERO. You can connect with teachers around the world taking part in the project by placing yourself on the community map.

Students Accounts: Students are invited to become reporters, sharing their hero stories, using our online tools. Students are able to add to their digital portfolios of inspiration year after year. 

Lesson PlansExplore media resources, activities and thematic lesson plans to use in your school, home and community arts center throughout the year. 

Media Arts Educational ResourcesResources to help your students make inspiring short films.

Heroes in the NewsExplore current events with an emphasis on heroism, selections from AP, Christian Science Monitor and MY HERO.

LibraryA virtual collection of thousands of books about heroes whose stories have been featured on the MY HERO website.

Tutorials Tutorials help you and your students use MY HERO's online digital storytelling tools.

Downloadable ResourcesDownloadable flyers help you use MY HERO's online digital storytelling tools.

Educator Quickstart Guide
Credit: MY HERO

Distance Learning Resource: Language Arts, Science, Social Studies and ESL curated resources organized by subject and grade level to use with students during distance learning and home schooling. 


If you are interested in mentoring or have questions about using   MY HERO with your students, email: [email protected]


MY HERO's team of educators review all submissions to ensure that work is appropriate and does NOT promote hatred, violence, racism or sexism. 

Organizer created on 4/30/2020 12:56:03 PM by Laura Nietzer

Last edited 11/13/2020 9:57:51 AM by Laura Nietzer